Wednesday, 15 October 2014

ATM Machine/Sperm Donor or a Loving "Father"

With the increasing divorce rate in India and with more women empowerment, many couples are parting their ways including the elderly ones. Amidst all the imbalance, kids are the sufferers who are left with an option to stay with Single parent and they are deprived of the love of the other parent. In most of the cases, the other parent who is left out is FATHER.

The question arises here is that Why ONLY a FATHER  is deprived of the love of his/her kid  or vice-a-versa. Is he an ATM Machine, who keeps on paying regular maintenance for his/her kid and is still not able to get and share the desired love with the kid. Is he a SPERM donor who donated the strongest Sperm and a kid is born out of the wedlock ?

The kid born out of the wedlock gets entitled to his Paternal property automatically and can claim it once he/she attains the required age prescribed in the law, But neither the grandparents nor the kid is allowed to meet each other during these years and both the parties are left to litigate among each other and fate is left in the hands of the Hon'ble court of Law.

I feel this is an INJUSTICE towards a Specific gender i.e. MEN where they are neither provided with the child custody nor with the visitation rights and still they keeps on paying maintenance and in the end the kid and the ex-wife can enjoy the property rights.

What a Loving father shall do in this country. If you feel this is an injustice, start fighting and create awareness, so as to change the law to Shared Parenting concept.

Whats your viewpoint on this ?


  1. Wonderful blog. I appreciate your patriotic thoughts. Unfortunately none of the law/law makers/ lawyers understands the feeling of the FATHER. After a judicial separation child custody always given to mother only. Because according to them the mother is a holy river of eternal love (matru prem). Then ask them whether the father is a devil (Rakshas) ? Father is bound to give maintenance after divorce irrespective whether the mother is an earning lady or not. For the growing up child, the image of a father will be nothing more then a money earning robot. You are absolutely right my brother. We are required to include this point into our weekly meetings and other social awareness campaign, not only to the victims but also to the law commissions and even up to the parliament.
    Great efforts, keep it up. (Mihir Bhatt - Ahmedabad)

    1. Thanks Mihir. You are right and we need to Incorporate this in the Humans that Fathers are not only Sperm donors and ATM Machines. They are more than this and only an awareness towards this may help to bring the change. God help, we shall bring it in due time.
