Wednesday, 15 October 2014

ATM Machine/Sperm Donor or a Loving "Father"

With the increasing divorce rate in India and with more women empowerment, many couples are parting their ways including the elderly ones. Amidst all the imbalance, kids are the sufferers who are left with an option to stay with Single parent and they are deprived of the love of the other parent. In most of the cases, the other parent who is left out is FATHER.

The question arises here is that Why ONLY a FATHER  is deprived of the love of his/her kid  or vice-a-versa. Is he an ATM Machine, who keeps on paying regular maintenance for his/her kid and is still not able to get and share the desired love with the kid. Is he a SPERM donor who donated the strongest Sperm and a kid is born out of the wedlock ?

The kid born out of the wedlock gets entitled to his Paternal property automatically and can claim it once he/she attains the required age prescribed in the law, But neither the grandparents nor the kid is allowed to meet each other during these years and both the parties are left to litigate among each other and fate is left in the hands of the Hon'ble court of Law.

I feel this is an INJUSTICE towards a Specific gender i.e. MEN where they are neither provided with the child custody nor with the visitation rights and still they keeps on paying maintenance and in the end the kid and the ex-wife can enjoy the property rights.

What a Loving father shall do in this country. If you feel this is an injustice, start fighting and create awareness, so as to change the law to Shared Parenting concept.

Whats your viewpoint on this ?

Tuesday, 18 February 2014

महज 19 वर्ष की उम्र में किए 22 से अधिक कत्ल

वाशिंगटन। अमेरिका के पेनसिल्वेनिया की 19 वर्षीय युवती मिरांडा बार्बर ने 22 हत्याएं करने की बात कबूल कर सनसनी फैला दी है। उसका दावा है कि 22 हत्याएं करने के बाद उसने इनकी गिनती करनी बंद कर दी। युवती के इस खुलासे से पुलिस विभाग भी दंग है। मिरांडा ने पुलिस से हुई पूछताछ में यह भी बताया कि चार वर्ष की उम्र में उसका यौन शोषण किया गया था।
युवती के मुताबिक इन हत्याओं को करने में उसका पति भी उसकी मदद करता था। इन हत्याओं को अंजाम देने के लिए मिरांडा और उसका पति ऑनलाइन चैटिंग के जरिए पुरुषों को फांसकर आपस में संबंध बनाने का ऑफर देते थे। इसके लिए बाकायदा पूरी कीमत वसूली जाती थी। इसके बाद हत्या को अंजाम दिया जाता था।
मिरांडा ने 22 अक्टूबर 2011 में इलाइट बार्बर से शादी की। इससे पहले भी वह एक शादी कर चुकी है, जिससे उसको एक बच्चा भी है। मिरांडा का कहना है कि वह 13 वर्ष की उम्र से लोगों की हत्याएं करती आ रही है। पिछले छह वर्षो में उसने अलास्का, टेक्सास, नार्थ कैरोलिना और कैलिफोर्निया में हत्या की इन वारदात को अंजाम दिया।
अमेरिका के एक अखबार से बातचीत के दौरान उसने बताया कि वह बुरे लोगों को जिंदा नहीं देखना चाहती है, लिहाजा वह उनकी हत्या कर देती है। पुलिस शुरुआती दौर में युवती द्वारा दिए बयान को सही मानकर इसकी जांच कर रही है। वहीं एफबीआई भी पिछले छह सालों के दौरान हत्या के अनसुलझे मामलों को इन दोनों से जोड़कर जांच कर रही है।
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Monday, 17 February 2014

Number of battered husbands in Jabalpur on the rise

JABALPUR: Complaints received and disposed at the weekly public hearing at the police headquarter in Jabalpur displays a shocking trend. Law and order issues have dipped to a mere 20%. At least 80% of complaints pertain to domestic discord. Of this, 55% are women who want action against errant husbands, but the number of battered husbands seeking justice has touched an all-time high of 45%, SP Jabalpur Harinarainchari Mishra told TOI.
Statistics with the family counselling centre service provider under the Domestic Violence Act (DVA), 2006, pegs the number of harassed husbands at 70% as per data recorded between 2013 and 2014, said Anshuman Shukla, principal counsellor in family court. The numbers have shot up after the passage of Domestic Violence Act (DVA) in the last five years, he said.
"We see men in slings, bandaged, bruised and scratched," he said. The centre recorded 224 complaints under DVA in January and 160 were filed by husbands. Majority of these men are unable to cope with the situation and run away from home.
A study by the centre also found that the stretch between Jabalpur, Amarkantak to Hoshangabad is full of sadhus who broke marriage vows and took to the saffron robe.
They are bolstered by the law. Section 419 of MP and Chhattisgarh Police Act and Regulations categorically states it's not the duty of police to trace an adult male and force him to return home if he has voluntarily quit, they can continue with their anonymous existence unhindered.
Then there is this curious phenomenon of 4,500 missing husbands from family court records. These are men, who were ordered to pay maintenance to their wives under Section 125 CrPC and they have left the town or state, the survey found out.
Mishra had to take special care to sensitize his cops to take complaints by men seriously. "They are trained not to joke and giggle when a husband walks in with bruises on his face," he told TOI.
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Wednesday, 12 February 2014

Is the law biased against men?

Is the law biased against men? We explore how the changes in Indian law have left men in the lurch...
In our recent story 'Live-ins – the law of the land?' we looked at how the court's decision to ask a man to compensate his live-in partner for not marrying her had opened a Pandora's box. From bloggers, lawyers, to the junta at large, most seemed to eye the ruling with apparent misgivings. But the section of society that is the most worried, or rather, outraged by some of the recent changes in Indian law, is no doubt the men. Be it the Domestic Violence Act passed by the government last year or the recent ruling of the Rajasthan High court that stated that a wife could live with her paramour – men seem to have been shortchanged by the entire judicial process. Or so the responses of our readers, bloggers, and a cross section of men we spoke to leads us to believe.
'The law is biased against men'
According to most of our readers, the law is becoming increasingly biased against men. Can't a woman live-in partner walk away? Does the law protect men? Does the Domestic Violence law protect men against women? These are only some questions most men are asking. As one reader writes, " I am astonished that the Indian judiciary system is run by backward thinkers. What is the itch to "protect" women and make them even "weaker"? In the Western world all this is not heard of.....We can never be a developed nation without strong social objectives. The law is biased against men."
"I think the Indian law has always favoured women; men have always had a tough time trying to prove their innocence," feels Shirish, a self-employed design solutions expert.
While men are crying out loud, their plea for help may not be in vain. According to the National Crime Records Bureau, 44.7 per cent of married men committed suicide in 2003 as compared to 25 per cent of married women who succumbed to domestic abuse that year.
"The number of false dowry and even higher number of abuse cases have increased in recent years. With the Indian criminal justice system being so lethargic, and its inherent bias against men, most of the abused husbands have no option but to put up with the abuse, mental, emotional and even physical," writes a blogger.
'Women are misusing the law'
And it's not just the unfair nature of the law that is bothering Indian men. What's most worrying is the fear of being falsely implicated by women. Here what one reader has to say: "Women are misusing the security provided by law. The law is in favor of women and is creating lot of problems for men who are innocent."
According to Indrojit, a marketing consultant, "Though the law is required to protect women, at the same time, it is quite evident that a few women are twisting the law in their favor to gain monetarily. There needs to be a check on that. Just because a woman files a petition at the National Commission for Women doesn't mean she is right and the man is wrong! And that's precisely why you have these cells coming up for men; these little posters advertising a community of men who are harassed by women under the pretext of law."
Call for help
This community of men who have joined hands to "fight the evil of 'misuse of 498a' (commonly known as dowry law) is one of the few organizations that have been set up in recent years to help people, specifically men, who have been falsely implicated. Officially known as the Save Indian Family Foundation, the community first came into existence three years ago on the Internet and mainly comprised of techies and software engineers. Today, the organization consists of more than 2000 plus members across the world and about 400 in the US and aims to "provide clarity about the law" to men in distress.
According to Ashish Mukhi, president of the Delhi chapter of Save Indian Family Foundation, the Indian law is biased against men, almost to a 'ridiculous extent'. "This law (domestic violence) has been derived from the US. But in the US the law clearly states that a victim can be irrespective of race, color, class, or 'gender'. The 'gender' word has been excluded from Indian law. In India, about 20-30 per cent of men or their family members have been abused by their wives. And in almost all cases of family abuse, the woman is the abuser," he says.
"In the US the law covers sexual, mental, physical, emotional abuse. In India they have included verbal abuse in the law. It is a mistake. Verbal abuse is not measurable. Also the provision that 'the decision can be arrived at the sole testimony of the woman' is completely wrong. Every person should have a right to defend himself. It's a basic human right!" he adds.
With organizations such as Save Indian Family Foundation championing their cause, more and more men are proclaiming their 'basic rights' with increased fervour. Will they be heard?
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'Amended Marriage Laws Bill 2010 will harm interest of husbands'

NAGPUR: Not happy with Marriage Laws (Amendment) Bill 2010 tabled in Parliament on August 26, men's rights activist Rajesh Vakharia of 'Save Indian Family Foundation', Nagpur chapter, says that the law is against the principles of natural justice. "Statements in support of this law were grossly misleading and downright incorrect," says Vakharia.
He feels that only lawyers will welcome such a law which gives power to law enforcement systems. "When the government planned to amend Criminal Procedure Code to reduce arrests under Section 498A to stop its misuse, lawyers protested against this move claiming they will not be able to make big money from bail fees from men and their families," says Vakharia.
Vakharia's view is that if the bill is passed by Parliament, then husbands will lose their hard-earned property if their marriage breaks. They will face false cases under Section 498A, Domestic Violence Act, Section 125 CrPC, etc. and get extorted further.
They may also lose custody of their children to their estranged wife and will become bankrupt if their wife decides to leave or if they are unhappy in the marriage.
"All I want is that the law minister should call for an open debate on the pros and cons of this law," he says.
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When husbands are victims of domestic violence

Sat in a chair and beaten by his wife as their help watched — this is what former James Bondstuntman Eddie Kidd endured for years at the hands of his wife Samantha.
After his wife was jailed, he told a British newspaper, "She had started drinking heavily and would slap me, punch me, strangle me and say horrible things. As a man, to be beaten by your wife is desperately humiliating and, in a way, shameful." Eddie was left unable to walk after suffering injuries from a bike stunt gone wrong, and his wife called him a "f****** spastic" in fits of drunken rage.
Spousal abuse is a serious problem that is not just faced by women. While news of dowry-related harassment and crimes against women are reported extensively in the media, there are a growing number of men who are at the receiving end of harassment, and face physical and psychological abuse at the hands of their wives. What's worse, the humiliation and shame of this act going public forces them to keep mum. Eddie found justice when his wife was arrested on charges of domestic abuse, but men in India are not as lucky, says Rukma Chary, general secretary, Save Indian Family Foundation.
"Domestic violence against men in India is not recognized by the law. The general perception is that men cannot be victims of violence. This helps women get away scot-free," says Rukma, who has been accused of domestic violence and dowry harassment, among other offences, by his estranged wife. Terming this 'legal terrorism', as the judiciary almost always favours the woman, he adds, "Domestic violence cases are supposed to be resolved in six months, but this never happens. Once a case is filed, the husband has to attend every hearing — which takes place once every 10 days — otherwise he is viewed as the wrongdoer in the court's eyes. Mind you, there are no questions raised if the woman doesn't attend hearings."
In recent years, there has been a spurt in the number of men who have been physically abused by their wives. Although the trauma may be the same, the methods of inflicting abuse vary. "Men are stronger and hit their wives, but women, in many cases, ask another man — their brother, father, friend or hired goons — to assault their husbands," explains Anil Kumar, a social researcher. Society isn't sympathetic to harassed men; being beaten up by one's wife invites mockery and jokes, and men who speak out about their woes are considered 'unmanly'.
Like women, men also find it hard to get out of abusive relationships, but Anil feels that the situation is worse for men, as they not only fear being away from their children, but are also worried about a false dowry case being filed against them. Men who are accused of domestic violence get marginalized by society and even friends and family turn their backs on them. Rukma believes that for men, it is huge emotional battle, one which proved to be too much for one Bangalore resident. Manoj Kumar approached the police after he was assaulted by his wife, and the cops not only ridiculed him, but said that they will call his wife and ask her to file a case against him. Manoj took his own life.
Thirty three-year-old Santosh Raj was faced with a similar predicament, but chose to fight instead. His world came crashing down when three months into his marriage, his wife hired goons, who not only attacked him, but also beat up his parents, brothers and sister. "My wife accused me of impotency and demanded money. If I was impotent, then she would have come to know on the first night itself; why did she have to wait for three months? She demanded 1 crore for a divorce. My father somehow brought this amount down to 35 lakh. As per the arrangement, 15 lakh was paid and the remaining amount was to be paid after the divorce was finalized. But they soon started asking for the remaining amount. I knew that they wouldn't stop harassing me if I gave them 20 lakh, so I went underground for some time," says Santosh.
Abuse against men is no laughing matter. The Save Indian Family Foundation meets once a week and every week, 4-5 new people attend these meetings. The demands of all harassed men are simply this: There must be a misuse clause added to the Domestic Violence Act and the law must be genderneutral, so that women can't falsely accuse their husbands.
Why men suffer in silence 
Protect children: Just like women, men worry that leaving their spouses will harm their children or prevent them from having access to them. Obtaining custody of children is always challenging for fathers, as is the prospect of raising them alone.
Feel ashamed: Many men feel ashamed at being beaten by a woman, or feel that they have failed in their role as a protector and provider for the family.
Fear of cases: The biggest fear in Indian men is being slapped with a dowry harassment case. Not only is it hard to shake off the social stigma that comes with being charged with such an act, but the cases also tend to drag on for years and are almost always in the woman's favour.
Parental pressure: Even today, most men continue to live with their parents even after getting married. When differences arise, parents generally step in and can sometimes make matters worse with their own demands.
Denial: Just as with female domestic violence victims, denying that there is a problem only prolongs the abuse. Men believe that they can help or change their abuser, but change can only happen once the abuser takes full responsibility for her behaviour and seeks professional treatment.
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Sunday, 9 February 2014

Delhi Police official booked for rape

NEW DELHI: A Delhi Police assistant sub-inspector was booked for raping and making video clip of a woman. 

On the order of additional chief metropolitan magistrate Tarun Yogesh, police lodged a First Information Report (FIR) last week against ASI Varun Jha on charges of raping and criminally intimidating the woman. 

The court order came on a plea of the woman who sought to register a case against Jha for raping her. 

Considering the gravity of allegations against a police official, the court said the case be investigated by an officer of the rank of an Inspector, preferably a woman officer, and directed that the probe be carried out under the direct supervision of the assistant commissioner of police (ACP) concerned. 

In her complaint, the woman alleged that she met Jha about three years back and the two became friendly. She said on the promise of marrying her, the police official established a physical relationship by forcing her, despite her objection. 

"Thereafter, Jha continued raping her every week or fortnight upon false promise of marrying her," the woman said in her complaint. Later, Jha refused to marry her. 

She said Jha made a video clip of their relationship on a mobile phone. He threatened to show the recording to her family if she tried to force him into marriage. 

After hearing the complainant, the court directed police to register a case against Jha and conduct an investigation. 

"I am of the considered opinion that present matter requires scientific and specialized investigation to be conducted by police to collect evidence of alleged offences," Magistrate Yogesh said.

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‘Harassed’ men demand National Commission

LUCKNOW: Political parties are now faced with a unique demand - add "formation of a National Commission for Men in their manifestoes" or face the risk of yet another party, formed by men facing domestic violence, entering the fray.

This demand was raised by about 50 organisations and pressure groups - under the aegis of National Coalition of Men - who are asking political parties to promise to constitute this body to uphold rights of men and address issues pertaining to men, both at the national and state level. They have threatened that if political parties fail to do so, they will form a party and also contest elections.

Speaking to TOI on the sidelines of the release of its "Men-i-Festo", Amit Gupta, a facilitator, said, "By March this year, all formalities pertaining to the registration of the party would be completed in Delhi. WE have scheduled a meeting in Agra in April, in which the final call on contesting the 2014 Lok Sabha elections would be taken."

"Other non-negotiable demands include formation of a task force to follow up, investigate and bring the culprits to justice on men's suicide," he added.

There was also a demand to make domestic violence gender-neutral, so as to protect men against domestic violence and family disputes. "All family laws should be of civil in nature and men should be protected, male child to be given equal opportunity and rights and equal rights to men for child custody and visiting their children in case of family issues," said Gupta.

"More than 50% of men under trial, who are accused of minor crime, await bail, and the state should facilitate a mechanism for their freedom," Gupta added.

When asked to reason the need for establishing the National Commission for Men, Gupta was of the view that 51% of India's population consists of men, and it is 80% of men are taxpayers, whose hard earned money is being used for the upliftment of the society, and 90% of the politicians and lawmakers are men.

"However, despite significant contribution made by men, they are assumed guilty till proven innocent, especially when the complainant is a woman," Gupta said and added that more than six decades have passed, but no study on men's issues and right have been done so far. And as far as emotional strength is concerned, statistically men are weaker than women. The facilitator also made it amply clear that validation of men's problem(s) is not an invalidation of women's problem(s). He also criticised the National Women's Commission for doing virtually nothing in order to improve the condition of the women across India.

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Friday, 7 February 2014

Woman seeks Rs 2 cr alimony

The problems of an NRI doctor, who failed to turn up in court for a divorce proceeding filed by his wife, just got compounded. His wife, also a doctor, has revised her claim for alimony from the original Rs 50 lakh to Rs 2 crore. Her advocate filed the revised figure before a family court in Bangalore on Wednesday. This is one of the highest amounts claimed as alimony in court. 

The couple had married in May 2010. It was a second marriage for them both. He was working in the US and she went to live with him there after marriage. 

She returned to India in December 2010. In 2011, she filed a complaint with the Vanita Sahayavani (women's helpline). In January 2012, the couple reached a compromise and he agreed to pay her Rs 11 lakh as permanent alimony. However, their uneasy relationship did not end there. She filed for divorce and a case of dowry harassment against him in January 2013, demanding Rs 50 lakh as alimony. 

All this while, he continued to live in the US. When the family court issued him notices, the husband did not attend but instead filed his reply through mail. The court granted divorce to her and asked him to pay Rs 25 lakh in alimony. 

After this, the husband applied for a stay in the High Court which asked him to deposit Rs 15 lakh first. He obliged. The HC remanded back the case to the family court to decide after hearing both the parties. The husband claimed in court that his salary is $8,000 per month and he cannot pay Rs 25 lakh. He also claimed that the marriage was never consummated because of her mental illness. She was hospitalised in the US and she had left for India to take rest but never returned. The wife on the other hand alleged that he had demanded dowry from her and subjected her to harassment. 

The case is now in the family court all over again. But on Wednesday, the husband was in for a surprise as the wife's advocate filed an interlocutory application demanding Rs 2 crore. The case was adjourned for further hearing by the IV Additional Family Court. 

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Woman suffers burn injuries, blames live-in partner

A woman suffered injuries when the cot she was sleeping on caught fire early this morning in Bhangel area of the district, police said. 

In her complaint, Lata has blamed her live-in partner Balram for the fire. 

She was rushed to a hospital where her condition was stated to be stable. 

According to police, Lata, a mother of two, was in a live-in relationship with Balram, a taxi driver. They were living in Baghel. 

Balram, however, claimed that he was not responsible for the fire and that the cot caught fire accidentally. 

Police said investigations were on and her neighbours and relatives too were being questioned.

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Divorce track becomes popular on fiction shows

According to many popular fiction shows on GECs, after the couples get married, the 'divorce' word is not uncommon. Shows today are more about marital conflicts and situations that led to the idea that a marriage might fail. Like the saas-bahu sagas, this is a popular track with GECs. Couples fall in love, get married and the track gets to a point where the couples decide to separate or divorce. It would be a situation where the divorce papers arrive or the couple separate for a few episodes, and only to reunite again if the TRPs demand that. Guess, the makers seem to find this whole separation or divorce track after a marriage creating drama and excitement for the viewers. Here we list the popular shows on GECs, where at some or the other point, all couples separate or head for divorce.

Ek Nanad Ki Khushiyon Ki Chaabi...meri Bhabhi
Esha Kansara, who plays the nanad suffers many misunderstandings with her husband in the show, because her sister-in-law Kanchi Kaul is treated badly by her mom's family. Tired of this, Esha Kaul's husband asks for divorce from her.

Iss Pyaar Ko kya Naam Doon - Ek Baar Phir
Avinash Sachdev and Shrenu Parikh, who play the lead couple in the show, want a divorce soon after the marriage, but the court asks them to stay with each other for six months. They will try to live together to sort out issues.

Balika Vadhu
Jagya (Shashank Vyas) and Anandi got married in childhood and he divorces her for another woman when he grows up to realise that he is not in love with Anandi. There is a divorce-like situation in Jagya's second marriage too. Even his current wife, Ganga (Sargun Mehta) is divorced from her previous husband.

Firangi Bahu
Camili (Sippora Zoutewelle) and Pranay (Rohit Bharadwaj) in Firangi Bahu will soon head for divorce. Since the bahu has not been accepted, several issues have cropped up and so the track will show them heading for divorce.

Bade Achhe Laggte Hain
The show did reach a point when Ram ( Ram Kapoor) wants to divorce Priya (Sakshi Tanwar) in the show and even after he marries her sister Ayesha, he divorces her again to remarry Priya in the show. The show is currently also having a track where the couple is not living together.

Diya Aur Baati hum
It also had a track where Suraj ( Anas Rashid) takes out the divorce paper and gives it to Sandhya (Deepika Singh) because there are misunderstandings that have led to Suraj believing that Sandhya has made her family members unhappy in the marriage.

Tumhari Pakhi
The show started with the lead actor wanting a divorce. Iqbal Khan was married as an infant 18 years back and so now that he has grown up, he wants a divorce from onscreen wife Shraddha Arya.

Zain (Harshad Arora) and Aliya (Preetika Rao) are married to each other, but against their wishes. Aliya gets married to Zain only to keep her father happy. Soon after they get married, they tell each other that they don't want to be with each other. And the recent episodes focus on how Zain is unhappy and asks for a divorce from Aliya at the wedding reception party.

Saath Nibhaana Saathiya
In the show, both the couples Ahem (Mohammed Nazim) and Gopi (Devoleena Bhattacharya), and Rashi (Rucha Hasabnis) and Jigar ( Vishal Modi) are shown talking about divorce from each other due to misunderstandings.

Pyaar Ka Dard Hai Meetha Meetha Pyaara Pyaara
Aditya (Nakuul Mehta) and Pankhuri (Disha Parmar) are a happily married couple but even this show had a track where Nakuul tries to divorce Disha because he feels he can give her more safety and safeguard her interests.

When Kumud (Jennifer Winget) is married to Pramad (Anshul Trivedi), a lot of drama is created before she finally decides to divorce him and go back to her mother's home.

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TDP MLA’s wife accuses husband of attempt to murder!

Vijayawada: TDP MLA of Kaikaluru in Krishna district, Jayamangala Venkata Ramana is in the news again for all the wrong reasons.

MLA’s wife Sunitha has complained to the police that her husband is threatening to kill her. 

Police had in the past filed two cases against Venkta Ramana that are related to domestic violence. Police had filed a case under Domestic Violence Act, section 498.

After the case came before the courts, cases were filed under two more sections subsequently. A case of attempt to murder under section 307 and another case of forcing his wife to sign on divorce papers under section 384 of Cr. PC. Were filed against the MLA.

The couples have approached a senior civil judge in 2012 with a prayer to issue divorce to them. Since then, counseling is being done to the couple. And in a subsequent hearing, Sunitha has said she does not want divorce.

But what has led her to approach police again, is now being investigated. 

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Wife accuses TDP MLA of pressurising her to withdraw case

The Penamaluru Police under the Vijayawada Police Commissioner's office has registered a case against  from Kaikaluru, Jayamangala Venkataramana, upon a complaint from his wife, Sunitha. 

Venkataramana is already facing a dowry harassment case filed by his wife. 

As per her complaint, a few days ago her husband visited her at Tulasinagar near here where she is living with her close relatives, and threatened her with dire consequences if she did not withdraw the dowry case. 

Inspector Murali Krishna said case was registered against Venkataramana for criminal intimidation and other offences.

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Thursday, 6 February 2014

Woman Who Mocked Husband’s ‘Impotence’ Loses Divorce Case

The High Court has just granted divorce to a couple who were married 13 years ago, but lived together for just a week.
Usha had alleged her husband John (names changed) was impotent, but he had contended she was not interested in sex. She allegedly used to mock him about his “impotence” at their work place. John finally requested the High Court to appoint a medical expert to test his potency to prove her wrong.
John (47) and Usha (50), both Christians, were married on May 5, 2001, in Tumkur. John was a library assistant and Usha an office assistant, and continue to be employed in the same institution.
Usha insisted John marry her, but he was not willing. But, she allegedly took the help of the Tumkur police and the marriage was solemnised.
The court observed, “The marriage was not consummated on account of the non-cooperation of the wife. Later the husband left ... home and (was) residing separately.”
When John filed for divorce, Usha contested the case. She contended he was impotent, and sought the appointment of a medical expert to confirm his inability to perform his “marital obligations”. The family court ruled in her favour, and dismissed John’s petition on the grounds that he had failed to prove her cruelty.
John then filed a petition in the High Court. He urged the court to allow her appeal and test his potency.
The court said the wife’s contention that she was still willing to live with him despite hisimpotence could not be believed.
If the case for divorce is not considered, it would amount to harassment of both parties, the court concluded. “We are of the view that ends of justice would be met if the marriage is dissolved,” the court said.
Since Usha and John earn similar salaries, she is also not entitled to any permanent alimony, the court ruled.
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'Women make things uncomfortable for each other but never accept it'

Ecently a friend of mine got married. I noticed one day that at social networking site all the other (female) friends were suggesting her to start using husband's surname. I know she will do it in sometime and then will blame his man for it. We all women do this, promote the stupid rituals, customs and then blame men that they force us to do it. This is how the concept of "suppressed from ages" developed.
When we look back we see so many rituals which are still prevalent and all women follow it blaming men for it. This is an open secret how women have jealousy towards each other whether it is a relationship of mother - daughter or mother-in-law - daughter-in-law. Out of this jealousy when one woman follows a ritual and sees other woman not following it, she makes her to follow it. And she would say, she followed it because that is what all men in the family want.
For example lets take the example purdah system. We all know why it started. It was not a part of the Aryan or Indian or whatever we say culture. It came from outside and became the part of culture here. Women started following it to protect themselves. But it is still prevalent because when time changed women didn’t change. The same jealousy factor came in, "if I did it why not she". And today men are blamed for it that they keep their women in “purdah”. It wasn’t men it was women who promoted it by following it ages after ages.
Same is with the fasts they keep for their husbands and sons. When they know it is only for son why they didn’t ever said “no”? No fast in this great culture of India is for daughters. Women started the biasedness among their own children i.e. daughters and sons, because they knew girl child will do nothing for them. Girls are not given responsibility of their parents.
They keep fast if they have a son and if they have a daughter they will not keep it. How men can be blamed for this? Stop this biasedness and things will change. But women are not taught to take responsibility of their actions so they will keep the fast and blame men for it. Moreover, they will force other women of the family to do it in the name of family culture. Men have zero say in the these small household things. They participate in all this without even realizing that ultimately they will be only blamed.

These rituals and customs are followed not only in rural parts but the well educated women too follow it. Anytime they have this option to say no to a particular custom because it promotes biasedness but they don't do as they need men to blame. I have seen well known feminist writers, writing against “Karwachauth” saying how “sexist” it is. But who asks women to follow it. 

Other things for which men are blamed are the “satipratha” which was again promoted by women and stopped by a man, Raja Ram Mohan Rai . It was glamourised by women and women who did it were worshipped by other women as “sati mata” so that it can go on and on. The the so called dowry is again promoted by women. 

There is nothing called "patriarchy" it was all made and promoted by women so that they can enjoy all the comforts of being at home and then cry “patriarchy” when given responsibility. They wanted men to protect them, pamper them so they kept on doing these fasts and rituals. Men didn’t understand it and just kept on being a part of it so that women should feel good. A man should leave his seat for a woman because he is a man and she is a woman. If a man doesn’t do it he is made guilty conscious.

Same is with wearing sindhoor, mangalsutra and bangles; women promote it everywhere. No man ever asked me why I don’t I wear these things. It was always women who had this jealous feeling that if she is wearing such things then I should also do the same. Women make things uncomfortable for other women but never accept it. They will always blame men for it. Men are suppressed from ages by women and without knowing it they blame themselves for women suppression.
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I’m no marriage guru: Farhan Akhtar

Actor-director Farhan Akhtar plays a married man in Shaadi Ke Side Effects, and when we asked Farhan if starring in a movie on marriage makes him a relationship guru, his prompt reply was that cinematic representations in this film bear no resemblance to what actually happens in real life.

"No way, it's just a cinematic version of a married couple. It has nothing to do with real life," was Farhan's answer.

ALSO READ: 'Shaadi Ke...' enabled me do lot of comedy: Farhan

On his recent visit to Jaipur, Farhan seemed to be going gaga over his co-star Vidya Balan, saying that it was great working with her, "The film is predominantly about me and Vidya, so we got a lot of time to work together. She is an extremely talented person and a great actor."

Farhan, who will be seen in a comic role for the first time, is both excited and nervous. "It's a bagfull of mixed feelings. I am excited to be sharing screen space with Vidya and a little nervous too, as the release of every new film brings some kind of nervousness. It's nothing unusual," said Farhan.

With the success of Bhaag Milkha Bhaag, Farhan feels that more movies inspired by real people should be made. "Our country has given birth to many unsung heroes, whose stories are still unknown to most of us. We need more efforts to bring their stories to limelight and help in getting their due credit. There is so much more to learn from facts than fiction. Be it politics, art, literature, sports or any other field for that matter, there are so many people whose achievements we are unaware of. It's a remarkable thing that Bollywood filmmakers are opting for such subjects which are highly inspirational."

Farhan, who has a huge fan following, dons several hats - a film maker, writer, director and now a social activist. What does he enjoy the most? "Eventually they are all part of the same person. I enjoy being them all. I love doing everything that connects me with people."

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